Dragon Ball Z – Bid For Power

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What is Bid For Power?
BidFor Power (BFP) is a quake 3 total conversion. We have taken quake 3and used it to create a new game. In order to play BFP, you wouldnormally need the full retail version of Quake 3 Arena, but you arelucky a team like DigitalZone exists:

BFP used to haveDragonball Z Models Maps. But since FUNimation got ~censored~ anddidn't allow DBZ characters to be used they had to be taken out.

We,DigitalZone have brought them back to you in the newest version of BFP1.2. We have added more than 80 DBZ original models for BFP and we'vetaken out the 6 Non-DBZ models. We've also added numerous original DBZMaps. In total you'll have 25 maps..

- 81 different selectable characters, each with 5 attacks.
- 25 maps, mostly DBZ original maps!
- Loads of different ki attacks including controllable, homing, and chargeable attacks (no guns).
- Toggleable flight.
- Offhand melee combat
- Re-"charge"able ki energy for ammo, flight, and speed/power boost.
-Power level determines the strength of attacks, speed of movement, maxhealth, max ki, ki charge rate, and what attacks are available.
- 5 different game modes: FFA, 1v1, Team DM, Last Man Standing Team DM, and Giant Monkey mode.
- Numerous new player animations.
-Head and full body transformations, selectable aura, ki trail, scalableattacks, big explosions, playable third person mode, first person vismode.

How do I play a multi-player game?
This game isdesigned to be played multiplayer (LAN recommended). From the mainmenu, click on the "multiplayer" button. BFP will scan all of the quake3 arena servers and display any BFP servers that it finds. Once a BFPserver is found, highlight it, click accept and the game will connectto the server.

NOTE: You will barely find any BFP server thatuses DBZ characters. But if this release becomes very popular maybeyou'll find some.

Is there a single-player game?
Just barely.This game is intended to be played multi-player. A single player gamecan be played with the BOTS, but we recommend playing against realpeople.

Game details - Getting to know the game!
(read only IF you wanna get to know the game)

Viewpointis how you see the game while you play it. You have your choice of 3different viewpoints for playing BFP. To switch between the views, usethe BFP Options menu.
- Third Person: The model is seen from theoutside. Unlike the standard quake 3 third person view, in BFP thecrosshair is visible, and the angle is changed to create less blockingof the view. Cvars cg_thirdPersonAngle and cg_thirdPersonRange have hadtheir cheat protection removed, and cg_thirdPersonHeight was added foradditional customization.
- First Person Vis: First person whereyour own model is drawn. Your viewpoint is positioned on the model'seyes, and you can see your own arms and legs while fighting.
- First Person: The standard first person quake 3 view.

Power Level
Powerlevel is how strong you are. Power level determines max health, max ki,movement speed, damage caused by attacks, and which attacks areavailable to use. The only way to get more power is to kill someone.When you die (in most game modes), your power level is reset to theaverage of all current power levels. When the game ends or the serverrestarts, the power level of the players is reset to the default.

Power Tiers
Powerlevel is divided into tiers. While most power level effects are basedon the power level itself, aura color and attacks available isdetermined by the tier.
- Transformations
Whena player's power level hits 1 million, the transformation happens. Theaura color turns yellow, and if the character has a transformation itoccurs. Other than the benefits from increased power level, there is noadditional benefit of the transformation.

Ki Energy
Ki isyour stamina. Ki is used as ammunition for the ki attacks.Additionally, ki can be used to increase power, speed, jumping height,and special attacks by using the boost key. Ki can be charged in orderto replenish it at any time by holding down the charge key. Beware,while charging you can not move or attack, and are highly visible toother players.

BFP has a toggleable flight button. Thedefault is "f" but it can be set in the controls menu. To begin flying,simply press f once, and once again to stop flying. While flying, youare able to move to wherever you look. The jump key will make you moveup, and the crouch key will make you move down. Your ki drains at asteady rate. At low power levels you will need to limit your flight,while at high power levels you can fly all day. A large speed boost isgained by holding down the boost key.

Melee Combat
To engagein melee combat, hold down the melee key and put the crosshairs overyour opponent. If you are close range, then you will start beating onhim. If you are long range, you will dive at the bad guy for a strike.To add extra knock back and stun your opponent, hold down the boost keywhile melee fighting.

Hit Stun
While in hit stun, the playercan not move, attack, block, or charge. 1 second of hit stun is addedwhen the player runs out of ki. 3 seconds of hit stun is added whenmelee is used in combination with the boost key. Do not overlook thisfeature. Being able to knock people into hit stun with ki-boosted meleeis one of the keys to being good at BFP.
*The melee stun can be avoided by holding melee while you are attacked.
*Hit stun can be ended by teleporting after one second.

Short-Range Teleport
BFPincludes controlled short-range teleportation that is performed bydouble-tapping right or left movement keys. If right or left is tappedtwice while moving forward, then the teleport moves in a diagnalforward direction. Teleporting diagnally backward direction can be doneby moving backwards and then tapping left or right twice. Teleport isuseful for dodging attacks, and can be used to break out of hit stunafter 1 second.


Pressing block oncegrants the player between one and two seconds of blocking. Blockingdrains ki quickly, but transfers all damage to ki instead of health.Blocking can also be used to deflect missile attacks. There is a onesecond delay between when the player stops blocking and when the playercan block again.

Ki Attacks
Each character has 5 attacks. Atthe lowest power tier, the player only has one selectable attack. Eachtime the player advances to a new power tier, he gets a new selectableattack. By default, each of the numeric keys, 1-5, choose a differentattack. Only one attack can be selected at a time, but switchingbetween attacks is instant.
- standard attacks: hold down fire and you fire.
- charge-up attacks: hold down fire to start charging the attack, release fire to fire.
-minimum charge-up attacks: same as charge-up attacks, but with aminimum charge-up time. The ball of ki will appear in the player'shands once he is prepared to fire.
- beam attacks: a type ofcharge-up attack. Can only fire one beam at a time. After firing, youcan aim the attack by moving the mouse, or detonate it by hitting fireagain.
- homing attacks: these attacks will home in on the nearest opponent.


Attack Collisions
Unlikequake 3 attacks, BFP attacks are more than just a trajectory. Attackshave actual dimensions, and will explode on contact with players. If anattack looks 50' wide, it will hit any players who come within 25' ofthe center of the attack. Mid-air attack collisions also happen. Twoattacks that collide will damage each other, and the stronger attackwill cause the other to explode. The exception is any beam attack,which enters into a power struggle when hitting another beam attack,and will explode any non-beam attack except for the disk attacks andthe deathball.

Power Struggles
When two beam attacks collide,a power struggle will happen. Instead of the stronger beam blowing upthe weaker beam, the stronger beam will push back the weaker beam untilit hits the other player. Ki boost can be used to up the power of yourbeam if you are losing a power struggle. The Death Ball is an exceptionamong the missile attacks, and can be used in a power struggle.

Game Types:
-Death Match: Players start at ~50,000 PL. Additional PL is gained foreach kill. On death, the PL of the player resets to the average of allother PLs.
- Tourney: Same rules as DM, but with only two players at a time.
-Survival: This is a faster paced tourney mode. Two players fight. Whenone player dies, he is removed from the fight and the spectator who hasbeen waiting longest enters the game. The winner does not get healed inbetween rounds, and the scores of spectators are visible. The firstplayer to reach the fraglimit is the winner, and the map restarts inorder to set the spawn power level back to the g_basepl setting.
- Team DM: Same rules as DM, but with teams.
-Team LMS: Last Man Standing. If you've ever played clan arena youshould know this mode. Players start at 1 mil PL, and players who diecan not respawn until the next round.


Source : http://4all-game.blogspot.com/

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1 komentar:

Anonymous said... | June 29, 2011 at 7:28 PM

wiihh.. Dragon Ball..! ini komik Favorite saya waktu SD nih haha.. thanks